Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adding Text and Titles to your Animation

You need a title and credit(s) for your animation to finish it off.

Start a new scene so that you don't have to move your whole animation along to fit your title in the beginning and rename it scene 1, your main animation scene 2, and the final credits in scene 3.

Here is a Tutorial for a text effect in Flash- Glint Text Effect

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Animation Feedback/Reflections

  1. Create a  new Word Document, save it with "Your Name_ Animation Comments" 
  2. Do not write anything in the document.
  3. Close the Word Document
  4. View an animation in the "Flash Background Project" folder.
  5. Give constructive feedback in the Word document titled with their Name.
  6. Save & close.
  7. View another and repeat step 4-6 until you have viewed them all.
Make sure you finish your own animation self evaluation and reflection.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Animation Reflection

Background First Animation

Your Mark
Out of
Background(s) establishes animation sets the stage for events happening in the piece.


Characters are well developed


Strong narrative, includes introduction, conflict and resolution:


There are 3 perspectives/ viewpoints


There is a cut-away included


Overall animation is thoughtful, creative and eye catching




Reflect on your animation:
  1. Describe your background
  2. Describe your character(s)
  3. How does the character interact with the background?
  4. What is your animation about, what is the story?
  5. Is your animation interesting and eye catching?
  6. Did you have to adapt your story from the original ideas? Why or why not?
  7. What challenges did you have while producing this animation? What would you do next time? Or what would you want to work on to improve?