Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Storyboard Examples

You are going to select a short sequence from "Up" and re-storyboard it based on the events in the clip. You are to tell the story visually as if you had to pass the storyboard to another animator to render. Your illustrations do not have to be accurate, can be fairly crude, but try to show development of movement and camera angles, point of view, expressions, movement and changes. We are going to storyboard a short scene together and then you are to choose your oun to try.

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Look - Scene from Pixar's UP! (HD)

UP: Storyboards

View the first 2 clips- Telling the story
First as a class, we are going to look behind the Disney and Pixar scenes to see some of the inspiration and planning around the storytelling in the animation.

Storyboard a clip from "UP"
Select one of the following clips and storyboard the sequence onto paper. Tell the story from sequence to sequence; when there is a change in camera direction, or point of view, start drawing a new frame on your storyboard, look carefully, notice details:

What's Up?

We will finish watching "UP" and then reflect on the story.

Reflect on the overall story
  1. Who are the main characters?

  2. Identify the main locations?

  3. How is the story set up?

  4. Foreshadowing is used to keep the viewer in suspense, name one way it is used in "UP".

  5. What is the main struggle/conflict(s)?

  6. How is the conflict resolved?

  7. Comment on the overall animation- do you like the cartoon? Why or Why not?

  8. What was your favourite part of “UP”? Explain why.

  9. What was your least favourite part of “Up”? Explain why.

  10. Who is your favourite character? Explain why.