Sunday, December 8, 2019

Blender Hotkeys

Here are some buttons or "hotkeys" short cuts.


These work in both edit mode and object mode:
g = move what is selected
r = rotate what is selected
s = scale what is selected
a = deselect/select all

These work in edit mode only:

w = accesses menu to subdivide and do other things
e = extrudes what has been selected
alt rightclick = select ring of vertices, edges or faces
ctrl r = adds loop cuts

Navigational hotkeys:
numpad 0 = camera view
numpad 1 = front view
numpad 3 = side view
numpad 7 = top view
numpad decimal = orbit around what is selected

Camera controls:
alt ctrl numpad 0 = moves camera to current view

Ctrl+SpacebarToggle manipulator
Alt+SpacebarChange manipulator orientation
TabToggle Edit mode
Shift+TabToggle snapping

Blender Hot Key Google Doc

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