Monday, October 24, 2016

ClayMation Project

1. Start with a Story Idea
Brainstorm a simple idea. Keep your story basic, short and to the point, but meaningful to you. Maybe document an uncomfortable experience and make it funny. Jot down points, scribble notes about ideas.

2. Write a Script
The first step to making a claymation is to write a script.  While your clay figures are unlikely to be very talkative, that doesn't mean you're not telling a story. It doesn't have to be long or complex, in fact if it's your first attempt it's best to start simple to get some practice so you won't be overwhelmed. Also consider a pitch about your story- a one line description of what your story is about.

3. Develop your Character
Sketch out character ideas. Figure out the expressive potential of your character, Clothing, props, shape, Consider how your character will move in the space that you will be creating. You may want to pick up a ball of clay to shape and experiment with.

4. Storyboard your Idea
 Not frame by frame, but draw short changes in your sequence or story. Significant movements each. Sketch out your idea. Consider shots- Long establishing shot, medium shots, close-up, and extreme close-up, and angles. Also plan your background, props, and lighting.

5. Share your Story
Tell your story out load to others. Hearing your story will help you consider believability, logistics and sequence. Encourage your listener to ask questions. Take notes. Consider making changes to clarify your story idea.

A note on the music/sounds:
Music/sounds can have a huge impact on the mood of your animation. If you want to create a sad or eerie mood, try using music with a lingering piano or a lone violin. Upbeat and cheery music would be appropriate if you wanted to create a blissful mood. Be aware of the mood your claymation is displaying so you can match music with it. You can't be showing a sad scene with benny hill playing, it just doesn't work.

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